Sunday, May 13, 2012


On May 17, Philippine LGBT Hate Crime Watch, Ladlad Partylist and other LGBT and allied organizations are celebrating the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) with a march to the Commission on Human Rights (CHR).

With the theme, "Working with the Government to Stop the Hate (Sa Pagtigil ng Karahasan, Kasama ang Pamahalaan)", the event aims to bring into focus the incidents of hate crime against LGBTs in the country.

LGBT people are becoming increasingly vulnerable to crimes because of their sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). To date, 156 LGBTs have been murdered (data since 1996), 17 of those in 2012 alone. “Homophobia, biphobia and transphobia are the major motivations for hate crimes against LGBT people. Fear and hatred kills,” says Santy Layno, Trustee of Ladlad Partylist.

“Since there is no mechanism that helps identify hate crime victims, we don’t know how many more have been killed over the years,” says Marlon Lacsamana of the Philippine LGBT Hate Crime Watch. “The government needs to recognize, investigate, document and prosecute hate crimes based on SOGI. For that we need to get the active support of CHR.”

What the group asks of the CHR are the following:
  1. Acknowledgement that hate crimes against LGBT people, and the homophobia, biphobia and transphobia underpinning them, are serious problems that must be given due attention;
  2. Facilitation of tripartite discussions with the DILG and the PNP in addressing the growing number of LGBT hate crimes; and,
  3. Commitment to provide assistance in pushing for the approval of House Resolutions 1432 and 1460.

“Having on board the national human rights institution of the country may not prevent the hate crimes from happening, but it definitely sends the message that the government is doing its part in protecting the rights of all people—in particular, their rights to life and security— regardless of SOGI,” adds Lacsamana.

The marchers will meet at the UP Palma Hall AS Steps at 3:00 pm and march to the CHR Office. At the CHR Office, a cande lighting ceremony will be held to commemorate the victims of LGBT killings, as well as a program where the group will voice out their demands to the CHR.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Joint NGO statement on behalf of ILGA delivered by Linda Baumann, at the XIXth Human Rights Council on 7 March 2012


Thank you Madame President,Madame High Commissioner,
Mr. Moderator, Distinguished panelists, I am honoured to address this panel on behalf of ILGA, which represents 917 lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex member organisations. This statement has also been endorsed by 284 NGOs from 90 countries, from diverse cultures and religions, and by mainstream allies and supporters from around the world.

We are here, not to ask for our rights, since these are already our birthright as human beings, but to urge States to fulfil their responsibilities to end human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

We welcome this panel discussion, and commend South Africa for its leadership in bringing this important human rights issue to the Council’s attention.

We warmly congratulate the High Commissioner for her report, which marks both a point of arrival and a point of departure, as it poignantly addresses human rights violations that have been highlighted by UN Special Rapporteurs and treaty bodies for close to two decades.

Around the world, 76 countries still criminalise us because of how we live or who we love. In extreme cases, we face the death penalty. Very often these laws are the relics of colonial-era legislation, rather than the expression of a pre-existing homophobic or transphobic culture.  Lesbians are subject to so-called “curative” rape, intersex people are subject to medical abuses, transgender persons demeaned and beaten, their rights and identities unrecognised. We are denied health care or needed treatment; we routinely face discrimination in work, housing and education. In many countries, our work as human rights defenders is opposed, obstructed or banned. Our rights to peacefully gather are often denied, while attempts are made to silence our voices.

For too long, this Council has allowed these violations to go unaddressed. There is no dignity, nor honour in torture, persecution and discrimination.

It is time for the Council to fulfil its responsibility to promote and protect the human rights of all persons without discrimination, and to develop a mechanism to ensure sustained ongoing attention to the systemic human rights violations on these grounds.

We look forward to working with States and stakeholders from all regions towards the day when all persons, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity, can live their lives in the equal freedom and dignity to which all human beings are entitled.

Thank you.

Organisations Signed:  
qianyuan-LGBT,GuiZhou, China 
ACCEPT Association, Romania
Aibai Culture & Education Center, China
AIDES, France
Aireana, grupo por los derechos de las lesbianas, Paraguay
Akahata-Equipo de Trabajo en Sexualidades y Generos, Argentina
Alianza Lambda de Venezuela, Venezuela
Alliance française de Delhi, India
Ambassadors of Change ngo, Kenya
Amitie' Trust, India
Amnesty International LGBt Latino America, United States
Amnesty International Philippines - LGBT Group, Philippines Amnesty International Turkey, Turkey
Anjaree Group, Thailand
APUVIMEH, Honduras
ARC International, Switzerland/Canada
ArusPelangi, Indonesia
Asia Pacific Transgenders Network (APTN), Malaysia/Asia Pacific
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), Regional
Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW), Asia-Pacific
Asociacion Civil Equidad LGBT, Bolivia 
Asociacion Hombres y Mujeres Nuevos de Panama, Panama
Association for Women's Rights in Development, Global
Association of fine arts and design - PLANET design, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Astitva - An organisation for the Support & Development of Sexual minorities, India
Australian Coalition for Equality, Australia, Oceania
Baguio Pride Network, PLHCW, STRAP, I am LGBT, AIPH-LGBT Philippines Bandhu Social Welfare Society, Bangladesh/ South Asia
Beijing Aizhixing Institute, China
beijing health education institution, China
Beijing LGBT Center, China
Black Pink Triangle Izmir LGBTT Association, Turkey
Boys of Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Cambodian Center for Human Rights ("CCHR"), Cambodia
Campaña por una Convencion Interamericana de los Derechos Sexuales y los Derechos Reproductivos, Latinoamerica
Canadian AIDS Society, Canada
CariFLAGS: the Caribbean Forum for Liberation and Acceptance of Genders and Sexualities Caribbean
Casa Renacer Honduras, Honduras ,C.A.
Casa Rosa vzw, Belgique
Case Management Society of Australia Limited, Australia
Cebu Rainbow LGBT Community, Philippines CENTER FOR THE RIGHT TO HEALTH, Nigeria
Center of Excellence for Transgender Health, USA
Centre for Development Studies University of Auckland, Pacific 
Centre for Popular Education and Human Rights, Ghana, Ghana
Centre for Secular Space, world
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Argentina
Chi Heng Foundation Beijing Branch (Chi Tong Beijing), China
China Changsha Rainbow Gay Alliance, China
China Queer Independent Films, China
Citizens Constitutional Forum, Fiji
Club Matapi, Suriname
Coalicion Arcoiris, Costa Rica
Coalition Advocating for Inclusion of Sexual Orientation (CAISO), Trinidad & Tobago
Coalition for the Liberation of the Reasigned Sex, Philippines COC Netherlands, The Netherlands
Colectiva Mujer y Salud, Republica Dominicana
Colectivo LotoBlanco, Ecuador
Colectivo Ovejas Negras, Uruguay
Colectivo Sentimos Diverso, Colombia
Common Heart Organization, China
Common Language, China
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, India
communication for social change, Ghana
Corporacion Humanas - Regional Center on Human Rights and Gender Justice, Chile
Corporacion KIMIRINA, Ecuador 
corps dissident, France
CREA, India
Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), Philippines

Diverlex Diversidad e Igualdad a Través de la Ley, Venezuela
Diversity Futures, Australia
Drachma, Malta
Dreilinden, Germany
Drodrolagi Movement, Fiji
East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project, Uganda
ECPI-Euroregional Center for Public Initiatives, Romania
Education International, Belgium/Global education union organization 
Elige, Red de Jovenes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, Mexico
Equality Network, Scotland, UK
Equidad Ecuador, Ecuador
Espacio de Articulacion DIDH - Diversidad, Interculturalidad y Derechos Humanos, Argentina
Federacion Argentina LGBT, Argentina
Filipino Freethinkers, Philippines
Former Founder Aus Transgender Support Association of Queensland Inc., Australia
Freedom and Roam Uganda, Uganda
Freshmen Autonomous Committee of SWUST, China
FtM Phoenix Group, Russia
Fundacion Amigos por la Vida - FAMIVIDA, Ecuador 
Fundacion Arcoiris por el respeto a la diversidad sexual, Mexico
Fundacion DIVERSO ECUADOR, Ecuador 
Fundacion Ecuatoriana Equidad, Ecuador
Fundacion Privada para la Identidad de Genero, Spain
Fundacion REDVIHDA, Bolivia
Fundacion Reflejos de Venezuela, Venezuela
Fundacion Triangulo, Spain
GATE - Global Action for Trans* Equality, international/worldwide
Gay And Lesbian Vaishnava Association, USA
Gay Church, Taiwan
Gay Grassroots of Northwest Florida, USA
Gay Japan News, Japan
Gays Without Borders, Thailand
GDUFS, China
Gender Dysphoria Unit of South Australia, Australia
Gender Spectrum, USA
GenderBridge, New Zealand
GrenCHAP Inc., Grenada/Caribbean
Grupo CD4 y Revista Queernavaca, Mexico
Grupo Nepyru, Paraguay
Grupo Transexual Portugal, Portugal
Guang Tong (GZTZ.ORG), China
Hong Guang Alliance, China
Human Rights First, USA
HURISA, South Africa
ID Trans 
IDAHO Committee, International
Igualdad de Derechos Ya, Ecuador 
ILGA, International Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Intersex Association, Belgium
ILGA-Europe - European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, Europe
Inclusive Foundation, Georgia
India HIV/AIDS Alliance, India
INFORM Human Rights Documentation Centre, Sri Lanka
Iniciativa Venezolana Contra la Discriminacion, Venezuela

International Alliance of Women/alliance Internationale des Femmes, Netherlands/International
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), USA
International HIV/AIDS Alliance, United Kingdom
International Service for Human Rights, Switzerland 
International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific, Malaysia
Intersex Internattional Organization, Philippines
Intersex South Africa (with OII), South Africa
Ipas, Global
Istanbul LGBTT Solidarity Association, Turkey
Itigokurabu, China
Jiangxi Rainbow, China
JWT, India
Kaos GL,Turkey
Karnataka Sexual Minorities Forum, India
Kolectiva Rebeldias Lesbicas, Peru
Kongzhong Corp, China
Kygryz Indigo, Kyrgyzstan
Ladlad Bacolod, Philippines
lambada de venezuela, Venezuela
Landsforeningen for lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner, Norway
Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network, Latin America and the Caribbean
LeAP, Philippines
Lesben- und Schwulenverband LSVD, Germany
Lesbian Activism Project, Inc. , Philippines
Lesbians and Bisexuals in Action, India
LGBT Centre Mongolia, Mongolia
LGBT Georgia, Georgia
LGBT Platform Suriname, Suriname
Liberty Victoria (Victorian Council for Civil Liberties Inc), Australia
MADRE, United States
Metropolitan Community Church of Quezon City, Philippines
Mingle (Mission for Indian Gay & Lesbian Empowerment), India
Moscow Helsinki Group, Russia
MUSAS Peru, Peru
National LGBTI Health Alliance, Australia
Naz Foundation International, South Asia
Nazra for Feminist Studies, Egypt
NON-GENDERED - Fighting for Legal Recognition, United Kingdom
Nvai, China
OEML, Ecuador
OLO, One Love Oceania, U.S.A.
On the Margins Group, China
Open Arms MCC, USA
Organisation Intersex International, New Zealand
Organizacion de Transexuales por la Dignidad de la Diversidad, Chile
Organizacion Ecuatoriana de Mujeres Lesbianas - OEML, Ecuador
Organization Q, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Outrage Magazine, Philippines
Pacific Sexual Diversity Network, Tonga
Partnership Law Japan, Japan
Peaceworks, Australia
Pearls for development, India
Pembe Hayat LGBTT Solidarity Association, Turkey
PFLAG, China
Philippine Forum on Sports, Culture, Sexuality and Human Rights, Philippines
PLAKA Dumaguete, Philippines
Positive Vibes, Namibia
PPA+, Philippines
ProGay Philippines, Philippines
Proyecto Transgenero, Ecuador
Public Association Labrys, Kyrgyzstan
Public Association Pathfinder, Kyrgyzstan
Public Information and Need of Knowledge NGO, Armenia
Public organization "Informational-Educational Center "For Equal Rights", Ukraine
Queer Comrades, China
queer delhi, India
Queer Pagan Network - Philippines, Philippines
Raffles Design Institute Bangkok, Thailand
Rainbow China, Hong Kong
Rainbow Liberty Foundation, Denmark
Rainbow Rights Project (R-Rights) Inc., Philippines
Rainbow Youth, New Zealand
Red Lesbica Cattrachas, Honduras
Red Ribbon Volunteer Group of Longgang District, Shenzhen, China
REDLAC, Puerto Rico
REDTRANS, Nicaragua
RFSL, The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights, Sweden
Rights Society, Russia
Saathi, IIT Bombay, India
Sadhane, India
Sangama, India
Sangini (india) trust, India
Scottish Transgender Alliance, Scotland, UK
SEARCH Foundation, Australia
Secrec. Lesbica Sub region Andina ILGALAC - Colectivo Uniones Peru Peru
Sex and Gender Education Forum, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Sexual Diversity Network (Thailand), China
shanghai Nvai LBT Organisation, China
Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination (SASOD), Guyana
Society of Transsexual Women of the Philippines (STRAP), Philippines
Space Allies, Japan
SREI, India
SRIA Rwanda Ltd, Rwanda, East and Southern Africa
Studiorum Sexualis Barcelona, Spain
Survival Advocacy Network (SANFiji), Fiji
Tanzania Sisi Kwa Sisi Foundation (TSSF), Tanzania
Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group, Australia / Tasmania
The Center for Health Policy Study,Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Mahidol University,Thailand, Thailand
The family of chinese lgbts' relatives and friends, China
The Humsafar Trust, India
the israeli center for human sexuality & gender identity, Israel
The Philippine LGBT Hate Crime Watch -The Republic of the Philippines
Trans Education and Advocacy, Ireland
Trans*Action Netherlands, Netherlands
Transgender Law Center, USA
Transgender Network Switzerland, Switzerland
TransGender Victoria, Australia
traveschile (Agrupacion Transgenera), Chile
UHAI- the East African Sexual Health and Rights Initiative, Kenya
United and Strong Inc., Saint Lucia
United Belize Advocacy Movement, Belize
UP Babaylan, Philippines
Venezuela Diversa A.C, Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
ver.di, Germany
Villanova University , USA
Vox Asoaciacion Civil, Argentina
Vreerwerk, Netherlands
WEZESHA, Tanzania
WhyCantWeGetMarried.Com, Sierra Leone
Witches' Hive of the IFTAS, Philippines
women coalition of HKSAR, Hong Kong
Women Working with Women (3W), Kenya
Women's Therapy Center, USA
Women'S Way Foundation, Suriname
Womens Global Network for Reproductive Rights, The Philippines
Workinggroup on International solidarity with LGBT, Belgium
World Organisation Against Torture, Switzerland
wuhanrainbow, China
WUR, China
Young Peoples Concerned Network, Fiji


From Ladlad Party-list's Official Blog: 



THE partylist for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Filipinos, Ladlad cried foul on the alleged banning of gay performers in Puerto Galera. The party has called for a dialogue with the local officials in the island if the news reports were true.

“I will personally visit Puerto Galera and have a dialogue with the local officials about this matter,” said Ms. Bemz Benedito, first Congressional nominee of the group.

Last Sunday, Ladlad members reacted to news reports saying that bar owners were complaining to the local government officials of Puerto Galera for disallowing gay talents to perform in a show due to lewdness. The owners reportedly were alarmed because their coffers will surely get affected because their patrons are always looking for the gay performers.

“This is a clear violation of their right to work,” Benedito said. “Ladlad will oppose the approval of this measure,” she added.

On the same report, the chairman of one of the towns of Puerto Galera already refuted the claims of the bar owners, saying that they were only reprimanding the gay performers to tone down the language they are using on stage.

Ladlad further said, the remedy is an ordinance to prohibit children and an age cap on who to allow in entering such comedy bars. Prejudice must not set in this case especially to gay performers.

“In a comedy bar, children should not be allowed because of the sensitivity of the language being used in this kind of entertainment. Besides you cannot control the performers on what to say and do on stage,” Benedito stressed. “In television, you have an agency that reviews and classifies programs that suits the right age of its viewers,” Benedito added.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Philippine LGBT Hate Crime Watch Meets Again!

    • When
      Saturday, February 25, 2012
    • Time
      1:00pm until 7:00pm
  • Where
    Reighben's simple and humble Filipino style abode (1955 Campillo street, corner Angel Linao and Quirino Avenue, Malate, Manila)
  • Description
    This time, those who don't know how to get to my house, I'll fetch you at McDo Quirino Ave LRT Station. :)

    For all the links on the new cases, go to:

    Alright, time to move forward with our youtube project. And we have to plan our response to all these new cases. See you all. Please

    -Reighben Earl Wysten M. Labilles
    Head Researcher, Spokesperson, Blog Creator and Administrator
    The Philippine LGBT Hate Crime Watch
    Mobile Number: 09065374021!/reighben

    Event page at:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

PLHCW Creativity Session for the Indie Video Youtube Project

Public Event for Philippine LGBT Hate Crime Watch · By Reighben EarlWysten Mendoza Labilles-Lacsamana

    • When
      Saturday, January 28, 2012
    • Time
      1:00pm until 7:00pm
  • Where
    Reighben's Simple Malate House (1955 Campillo St., corner Angel Linao and Quirino Avenue, Malate, Manila)
  • Description
    Hiya! It's that time of the month we're meeting again! This time, it's to discuss and create the script and the storyboards for the series of viral videos we'll make. You can read a rough overview of the project here:

    And if we have enough time left and my bro is at home, we can make a sample video!

    So bring your thinking caps, notebooks, pens, manila papers and some sass! Let's make these vids a reality.

    As usual, this is a KKB affair, aryt? Bring snacks if you want, but if we get hungry, and we will, we'll just buy from the many sari-sari stores around.

    See ya!

    Mobile Number: 09065374021

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Teacher stabbed dead in Tondo (PhilStar)

Teacher stabbed dead in Tondo
By Nestor Etolle (The Philippine Star) Updated January 14, 2012 12:00 AM Comments (0)

MANILA, Philippines - A high school teacher was stabbed dead in his house in Tondo, Manila Thursday afternoon.

The body of Nelson Macam, 49, who worked at the Ramon Magsaysay High School, was discovered by his younger sister, May, when she checked his room in their three-story residence at past 1 p.m.

May, who occupies a room at the third floor of the house, told police she was supposed to have lunch with her brother but he would not answer her phone calls. When she checked his room, which is on the second floor, she found Macam’s body, clad in boxer shorts.

Police Officer 2 Jupiter Tajonera said the victim sustained stab wounds in the chest, back and both arms. “The victim tried to parry the thrusts from the suspect as indicated from stab wounds in both arms,” he said.

Tajonera said the victim frequently entertained male visitors and gay friends in his room.

Except for bloodstains on floor leading to the bathroom, the living room was in order and a digital video disc was still playing. A cell phone charger was inserted in the wall socket, but the phone is missing, Tajonera said. The victim’s briefs and a bathroom towel were hung on a table near the bathroom.

Tajonera said he is still checking whether Macam lost cash or valuables in the attack.

Residents in the area told police they did not notice anything unusual at the time Macam’s body was discovered.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Notes from the 2nd PLHCW Meet-up

We did a study group! Yey! Again, it was an intimate affair. Only eight (2 were absolutely fresh attendees, so more yey!) of us came. But we reported on the human rights conventions, discussed it, and thought of ways on how we can use them for LGBT activism. With hard work maybe we can convince more people to come. However quaint our number, today, we made progress as a group. We'll definitely have more study sessions in the months to come. We can never have too much education on pro-LGBT rights.

We also set further tasks for our group in response to the recent Vatican and CBCP pronouncements. We decided on the following:
  • Exploring and establishing alliances with organizations that have a secular approach in dealing with bigoted organizations, groups
  • Starting on-line petition to launch a campaign against CBCP's homophobic and transphobic statements and policies (to be analyzed as a study, check ipetitions)

We also discussed the Youtube Interview Project:

The videos will be uploaded for public consumption so that more people can join our activism and be aware of our cause. Most videos will be around 3 to 5 mins, some may reach 10 mins.
  • A viral video, focusing on a meme we'll try to establish called "Wit Yan True"
  • We'll interview experts on the anti-discrimination bill
  • We can video people talking about LGBT-related personal stories
  • Videos on the history of Philippine LGBT activism
  • Videos on the current situation of Philippine LGBTs
  • Videos explaining Gender Identity and Expression, and Sexual Orientation
  • Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender 101s
  • Videos that state facts of LGBT issues

Monday, January 9, 2012

2nd Phil LGBT Hate Crime Watch Meet-up for 2012

Event Page:

    • When
      Saturday, January 14, 2012
    • Time
      10:00am until 6:30pm
  • Where
    Reighben's Humbly Sweet Abode (1955 Campillo St, corner Angel Linao and Quirino Ave., Malate, Manila
  • Description
    - Agenda:

    - Discussing details of the YouTube interview project (input from professionals and hate crime members)

    -peer-ed session: CEDAW (marlon), CRC (Oka), Kevin (CAT), ESCR (Reighben), ICCPR (Darrel), CERD (Del)


    -Study the treatises

    Bring whatever food/snacks you can afford! It's gonna be a long day of studying :)

    Reighben Earl Wysten M. Labilles
    Head Researcher and Spokesperson
    The Philippine LGBT Hate Crime Watch
    Mobile Number: 09065374021